Japan+Food 日本の食
When you have Japanese meal in Japan, always comes with 「香の物」「お新香」= Tsukemono 漬け物 = Japanese Pickles. There are thousand types of Tsukemono in Japan, all 47 prefecture and all town have it's own type of pickles…the fresh ingredients are came from the local farm or seaside…pickle with salt, soya sauce, miso, vinegar, residual yeast of sake, rice bran, sugar, etc…common pickling ways are Asazuke 浅漬け (shallow pickling in short time) , Senmaizuke 千枚漬け (thousand slice pickling) and Matsumaezuke松前漬け(wrapped in konbu seaweed and pickling)…I am not crazy about pickles...but because it is good for health…and there are still have some delicious Tsukemono out of the thousand which fit my taste ^_~ like 梅干し Umeboshi with Honey...what do you like?
當你去吃日本餐時, 一定有「香の物」「お新香」=「漬け物」 = 醃漬食品附上。日本全國有著千千百百種的醃漬食,47縣中每個城市都有自已獨特的醃漬食品,全採用當地新鮮的農產及海產。以鹽, 醬油,味噌, 醋,酒糠,米糠,磄等,常見的醃漬方法有淺漬 (短時間醃漬) , 千層漬 (材料薄切醃漬)及松前漬 (用昆布包著材料醃漬)。
我不太愛吃醃漬食物,但為了康健,及千百種中總有一些合我胃口 ^_~ 其中蜜糖梅乾漬就對口味了!你喜歡那一種醃漬食品呢?
當你去吃日本餐時, 一定有「香の物」「お新香」=「漬け物」 = 醃漬食品附上。日本全國有著千千百百種的醃漬食,47縣中每個城市都有自已獨特的醃漬食品,全採用當地新鮮的農產及海產。以鹽, 醬油,味噌, 醋,酒糠,米糠,磄等,常見的醃漬方法有淺漬 (短時間醃漬) , 千層漬 (材料薄切醃漬)及松前漬 (用昆布包著材料醃漬)。
我不太愛吃醃漬食物,但為了康健,及千百種中總有一些合我胃口 ^_~ 其中蜜糖梅乾漬就對口味了!你喜歡那一種醃漬食品呢?
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