Monday, February 27, 2012


Japan+Travel 日本の旅

2012年3月16日に退役する小田急電鉄の通勤車両5000形、ロマンスカー・HiSE(10000形)、ロマンスカー・RSE(20000形)です。退役前にそれらを見てください。幸せな箱根の旅思い出がよみがえる ^0^

3 types of ODAKYU train will retire in March 16, LongSheet (Commuter Train) 5000, ROMANCE CAR HiSE10000 and RSE 20000....higher chance that you be took Romance Car to visit Hakone and Kamakura area from Shinjuku...have a look at the trains and brought back your good memories..^_~

小田急的3種火車,將3月16日引退,ロングシート (通勤火車) 5000形,浪漫特快ロマンスカーHiSE 10000形,特急浪漫特快ロマンスカー RSE 20000形 。
其中浪漫特快系列大家可能比較熟識,由新宿出發前往箱根湯本、江之島、鎌倉、沼津等地。在它們消失前來多看一眼,回想一下你的快樂旅程 ^0^

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Saturday, February 25, 2012


Japan Culture 日本の文化

指人形「笑吉さん」Hand Puppet Shoukitsu
- a few mins walk from Sendagi Station

Mitsuaki Tsuyuki is the professional Hand Puppet Artist in Yanaka, Tokyo, which is closed to Ueno, famous old downtown walking Mitsuaki san's workshop...has a museum of his can see the puppet of famous people and the ex-Japanese Prime Ministers (cos the handover is too quick, made him so busy to make the new PM puppet every several months ^_~)...and his workshop became so popular after introduced by TV is harder for him to achieve his goal - make 500 pieces of puppet this year.

Mitusaki san will preform a 25mins show for group of three and above for 500¥ per person...only 20000¥ and up you can order your own puppet....close on Monday and Tuesday.

露木光明先生以粘土創作人形玩偶工作室, 位於近千駄木站的谷中町。工作室有小型的人偶展覧,有各大名人人偶及過去的日本首相等,因首相換得太快,令露木先生很忙幾個月又要製作新人偶 ^_~ 加上電視台介紹,工作室人氣得很,他想創製五百本人偶的目標近期也難以達成!

三人以上以每人500¥ 就可以欣賞 25分鐘的人偶表演,又可以用20000¥起 訂做你的人偶,送禮自用也不錯!注意週一及週二 休息!



Wednesday, February 22, 2012


日本の文化 Japan Culture

After reading this Japanese Architectural yearbook 2011…not just the incredible housing designs caught my eyes….and also what the Japanese architects have done for the 311 diaster areas…from helping to build temporary shelters to permanent residences…they have put in a lot efforts…everyone works together to rebuild Japan…waaaa! ^0^ Many a little makes a mickle!

剛看完日本建築年鑑2011, 不只驚嘆新穎的建築,更看到建築師們對311地震的災區的熱情協助。由建立臨時避難所,到策劃永久居所,他們都擺上很多的精神時間!每個人都努力做少少,重建就變得更快,積少可成多!

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Japan+Travel 日本の旅
Ecute Shops inside Yamanote Line
Ecute 商場於山手線內

Do you know there are new opening of ecute shops inside the stations of Yamanote Line, Tokyo...Ueon, Tokyo, Nippori and Shinagawa station, etc.
Full with new food booths, unique souvenirs (like Panda souvenir in Ueon Ecute only), small restaurants and cafes, miscellaneous goods shops, etc...Must drop in Tokyo!

如果你來東京,一定要行下山手線內,上年新開新裝修的上野 東京 日暮里 及品川的Ecute, 內有新食店,獨特手信( 如上野熊猫食品), 小食店及咖啡店,雜貨店等!

Photo: New Stick Cake in Shinagawa Ecute 棒蛋榚於品川Ecute
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Japan+Food 日本の食
When you have Japanese meal in Japan, always comes with 「香の物」「お新香」= Tsukemono 漬け物 = Japanese Pickles. There are thousand types of Tsukemono in Japan, all 47 prefecture and all town have it's own type of pickles…the fresh ingredients are came from the local farm or seaside…pickle with salt, soya sauce, miso, vinegar, residual yeast of sake, rice bran, sugar, etc…common pickling ways are Asazuke 浅漬け (shallow pickling in short time) , Senmaizuke 千枚漬け (thousand slice pickling) and Matsumaezuke松前漬け(wrapped in konbu seaweed and pickling)…I am not crazy about pickles...but because it is good for health…and there are still have some delicious Tsukemono out of the thousand which fit my taste ^_~ like 梅干し Umeboshi with Honey...what do you like?

當你去吃日本餐時, 一定有「香の物」「お新香」=「漬け物」 = 醃漬食品附上。日本全國有著千千百百種的醃漬食,47縣中每個城市都有自已獨特的醃漬食品,全採用當地新鮮的農產及海產。以鹽, 醬油,味噌, 醋,酒糠,米糠,磄等,常見的醃漬方法有淺漬 (短時間醃漬) , 千層漬 (材料薄切醃漬)及松前漬 (用昆布包著材料醃漬)。
我不太愛吃醃漬食物,但為了康健,及千百種中總有一些合我胃口 ^_~ 其中蜜糖梅乾漬就對口味了!你喜歡那一種醃漬食品呢?
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Japan+Culture 日本の文化

情人節快樂 Happy Valentine's Day ハッピーバレンタインデー

Valentine's day is Ladies-give-out-chocolate-day in Japan...this Japanese unique style Valentine's day started around 1970...may be someone wanted to make a day for shy girls to show their love and appreciations to other openly ^_~ Nowadays...the chocolate is so cute...girls even buy for themselves to taste it.


日本情人節是女性送朱古力表化意的大日子,這獨特文化於1970年代開始,可能日本人想讓羞怯的女性能在有一天公開表白的機會 ^_~ 現在的朱古力實在太可愛,無人送自已也會買來吃 ^0^
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Japan+Food 日本の食

沖縄生まれ 琉球紅茶の物語
The Story of Okinawa Tea fly toward the world
沖縄產 琉球紅茶的故事

Okinawa can produce black tea? When I saw it in TV...a big question mark appeared on my all started from the dream of Ms. Uchita who is crazy about drinking tea and also have a talent of tea making...she wanted Japan can have its own Black Tea!
Ms. Uchita found Okinawa is on the same latitude of a lot Tea produce has good condition for cultivating black tea she invested 2 millions in a new farm but fail...due to lack of farming experience and soil of the farm was not perfect...she did not give up because her daughter's encouragement.
So she studied real hard about the soil...finally she found Kinchou, Okinawa, has perfect soil for tea leaves late ten year...working hard to co-operate with the farmers...fighting against the typhoon and the weather...tasting N times to make perfect tea proportion...Ms. Uchita is successfully introduce the Okinawa Black Tea around the Okinawa Black tea is flying toward the world, starting in Italy!
The story of Ms. Uchita and the farmers is touched me a lot...achieve the dreams will take a lot time and effort! Just found that the tea can find in some Muji shop around Japan...or you can shop on line...but may need to wait cos some of the tea are out of stock quickly....are you working hard and flying to your dream?


琉球紅茶的出產全因為,紅茶發燒友並有著超敏銳的味覺的,內田女士的夢想 ﹣ 日本能有自家產的紅茶。



夢想成真,真需很多努力! 你在盡力飛向夢想了嗎?


On line Shop

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

裏原宿 Rear Harajuku

Japan Travel 日本の旅
Seeing so many fun signboards during a short walk in Rear Harajuku !
在裏原宿內 短短30分鐘 看到很多有趣的宣傳看板!

JR山手線原宿駅からは明治通りより先にあり、駅前の竹下通りよりも若者向けの店の進出が遅く後から発展した事から「裏」原宿と呼ばれている。 道が入り組んで少々不便である為テナント等の賃料が安く設定されており、竹下通りでは賃料が高くて自分のお店が出せない若者が集中した事が裏原宿形成のきっかけとなった。

Before the Edo period, Harajuku was a stopover station for travelers. Now becomes a young people fashion district.
Rear Harajuku (ura harajuku) was the latest developed area in Harajuku…the meaning of ura in Japanese is back or bottom…completed to other areas of Harajuku, the rental was more cheaper here…so Rear Harajuku is full of the small and unique shops which opened by young people.


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Kawaii Tongues

Japan+Travel 日本の旅
Kawaii Tongues in Ueno Zoo...超可愛的舌頭 於上野動物園 ^0^
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Thursday, February 2, 2012

原宿Gapから オープンする

Japan Travel 日本の旅

2012 Big New Opens in Tokyo 東京新開張

写真:「東急プラザ 表参道原宿」工程中
- 原宿と表参道が出会う原宿神宮前交差点に新商業施設「東急プラザ 表参道原宿」が開業する。開業日が4/18になることが発表された。設計には隈研吾建築都市設計事務所出身の中村拓志氏を起用。明治神宮の森、表参道の欅 並木に象徴される緑豊かな環境をつなぐ場所として屋上を含む7つのテラスを設け施設内でも自然が感じられるようにしている.

相片:原宿Gap變身 東急Plaza表参道原宿,城市建築師中村拓志用七個綠化屋頂露台的設計,以配合明治神宮之森及表參道櫸木的象徵,滿滿大自然風味的新建設。4月18日開

Photo: The old Harajuku Gap is changing to Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku, full with the green design to match the Meijijingu and Japanese zelkova tree along Omotesando.
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すんで廃線 長井線

Japan Travel 日本の旅

すんで廃線 長井線 と 鉄道オタク社長 の物語
The Story of the President Railway Otaku and almost-be-abandoned Nagai Line
鐵路宅男社長 復活長井線的故事

花 長井線是東日本鐵路於1913開始的路線,因沿鐵沿花長開,所以長井線加花字在名前,當時用來運送本地人及農作物,隨著人口的搬遷,長井線開始了20年 20億的赤字。山形鐵路公司在1988年接手,曾經兩度想廢線。2004年因電影《搖擺女孩》在當地拍攝,曾回復人氣短短兩年。再面臨廢線前夕,鐵路宅男 野村浩志努力找方法救回長井線,熱誠終成美事,長井線經眾人努力下,終於復活!

2009年 車長 朝倉達夫 已在火車中用本地方言向 20000以上的旅客 說介解說。
並在白兔站有白兔 もっちぃ(Mocche)站長。
《輪行》路線 = 火車+單車

野村浩志 2009年辭去旅行社高薪,自薦成為山形鐵路公司社長,他要以『愛回報鐵路』。他還出書介紹這鐵路奇遇!

JR East have started the Flower Nagai Line in that time local residents and goods from farms were filled up carriages of Nagai Line...after local people moved out town...there is lots of flower blooming along the call it Flower Nagai Line....the line started to have 20 hundred million deficit over 20 year...the Yamagata Railway company (who took over in 1988) planned to discontinue it twice...even the movie - Swing Girls, which have taken there heat the line up in 2004 just for 2 year...finally Nomura Koushi (a Railway Otaku) found out the magic to save-Nagai-Line....till 2008.9 the train driver Tatsuo Asakura, had entertained more than 20,000 tourists with his uplifting guided tours, spoken in local dialect...also there is a rabbit station master in Shirousagi station...also have special train end-year party, reading club, Christmas celebration, Snowing seeing with hot soup cooked by railway staffs, etc...Bike and Train program...attracted so many tourists! Nagai Line is revived!!

Nomura Koushi even quit his high pay job and lifted up his hands to be the public contributed president of Yamagata Railway company...he said he wants to return the Love to the train...he even published a book his railway amazing revived story.

フラワー長井線 (日本語)
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