Wednesday, January 25, 2012


箴言 / 4章 23節

你 要 保 守 你 心 、 勝 過 保 守 一 切 、因 為 一 生 的 果 效 、 是 由 心 發 出 。

Keep watch over your heart with all care; so you will have life.
Proverbs 4:23

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Japan Culture 日本の文化:

東京出初式 - 火消 New Year firefighters' event

In Jan 6, 2012 in Tokyo has the New Year firefighters' event (出初め式) which started by the firemen (火消)of Edo...all the house of Edo was built by firemen were very respected by Edo people...they protected the treasure of the people...this year the firefighters's event has drainage and rescue demonstration, sang the Edo famous Labour song (木遣り歌) and perform ladder-top stunts (梯子乗り) which only can does by strong and single man cos it is dangerous and takes a long time to practice...oh yeah...there is not ひ (hi) team in firemen cos Japanese always pronounce ひ like し avoid mistake so no ひ firemen team ^_~

每 年初東京消防團都有 新年出初式(如中國人的開工大吉) , 今年在一月六日。出初式是為記念江戶消防員 (日:火消) 也為消防員祈福。江戶人全住木屋,所以 火消 是很受尊重的工作。出初式 會有放水,滅火及救援示範,又會一齊唱 勞工歌(木遣り歌) 及表演 乘梯子(梯子乗り) ﹣ 多由強壯及獨身的男士擔任,因有一定的危險及需要很多體力及練習。原來消防隊中沒有ひ (hi)隊, 因日本人發 ひ音同し音很接近,為免出錯就不用ひ ^_~


大江戸ミステリー 日本橋誕生の秘密


圖是在表演 梯子乗り ﹣膝八艘
江戶火消 - 日本語


Japan Culture 日本の文化:

『熈代勝覧』(きだいしょうらん)KiDaiSyouRan (Edo's Manga ^_~)

The Japanese Drawing Scroll of the stories around Nihonbashi in Edo, painted in 1805...43.7cm (wide) x 1232.2 cm (long) you can have a look at the copy version in Mitsukoshi-mae Station, Tokyo.

熙代勝覧 (1805年)是一幅很長很長的卷畫 (江戶漫畫 ^_~),畫中描出江戶時代日本橋附近的人生百態, 寬43厘米 長1232厘米,複製品現在 東京三越前站 的地下通路展出。

由 日本橋畫到神田的今川橋,看到富士山及皇宮,當中的呉服店越後屋就是位於現在三越百貨, 畫中有88間店,1671人,其中200人是女性, 還有20狗 13馬 4牛 1鷹 1猴子等。人物畫得很生動,如小朋友不愛上學堂,抬著學堂用的長椅的父親緊緊拖著。或是美人小姐身邊的男性全都看著她,忘了看路。很有趣!

Started from Nihonbashi to Imagawa Bridge, can see the Mt. Fuji and the Imperial Palace in it...Edo Echigoya dry-goods store was located at Mitsukoshi Department Store...inside the painting...there have 88 stores, 1671 people (200 - female), dogs x 20, cows x 4, horse x 13, eagle x 2 and monkey x1...those people were so a kid rejected to go to school, his dad who carried a bench force him to forgot to walk and stared at a beautiful interesting! ^0^

熈代勝覧 - 日本語


Japan Travel 日本の旅:

Snow Hills in the Tokyo City 東京市中的雪丘

The nets are used to protect the plants from Snow, Heavy Rain and Wind.

Photo 写真: Hamarikyu Gardens of Tokyo 東京都立浜離宮恩賜庭園

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Japan Travel 日本の旅:

Beautiful Hamarikyu Gardens of Tokyo in Snowing Winter Time
Hamarikyu opened at 1946 April 1, it was remodeled as a public garden park on the site of a villa of the Shogun Tokugawa Family (built in yr 1654)...the landscaped garden surrounding Shioiri Pond (a seawater moat filled by Tokyo Bay)...there are a tea house in center Island of the pond, 2 wild ducks hunting spots, walking path...and so many different seasonal flowers!

東京都立浜離宮恩賜庭園 的 雪景
浜離宮恩賜庭園於1941年4月1日開於給東京市民...前身是德川將軍家族的 填海出來的渡假獵鴨場...庭園是圍著潮入之池而建,潮入之池是導入東京灣海水,所以每日潮汐時都著有不同風味景色,可在建於池中小島上的茶房,喫著綠茶 和菓子邊欣賞。庭園中還有海旁散步道,三百年老松,去台場淺草的海上巴士站等,最美的庭園四季都開花!

写真:潮入の池 東京都立浜離宮恩賜庭園  Shioiri PongHamarikyu Gardens of Tokyo

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Japan Art 日本の藝術:

氷点下のアート Ice-Art below freezing point

Ice-Art below freezing point in Tokyo...disappeared with in minutes...Thank You God for letting me caught them in this cold early morning ^0^...there are so many beautiful things in the world...we should looked closer...otherwise will miss so many of it...


東京で雪が降りました! 昨日の午前、瞬時に消えてしまいましたが、そのまえに、氷点下の芸術品を見ることができました。楽しかったので、天の父なる神様に感謝しました。

Photo: Ice-heart, Ice-boot, Ice-dog and Ice-bird @ Hamarikyu Gardens 浜離宮恩賜庭園, Tokyo
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Sunday, January 22, 2012

新年快樂!Happy Chinese New Year!

Tomorrow is the first day of Chinese New Year…wish you all
Happy Chinese New Year! May God bless you always!
春節! 明けましておめでとうございます!
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

日本の和菓子 Wagashi of Japan

祝いの樹花 松竹梅と桃 ~2012.3.13まで とらや東京ミッドタウン店で
写真: 仙寿。住の江。千尋の蔭。紅梅。
Every Japanese sweet Wagashi have a story at the are four friends (propitious things) of New Year...Pine, Bamboo, Plum and Toraya とらや of Tokyo Midtown B1 you can have a taste with your mouth and eyes of the fascination of Japanese traditional Wagashi! ^0^

新年四好友 和菓子:仙壽(桃)住之江 (松)千尋之蔭(竹) 紅梅
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河津桜まつり Kawazu Sakura Festival 河津櫻花節

河津桜まつり Kawazu Sakura Festival 河津櫻花節 2012.2.5 - 3.10

The Early blooming Sakura in Kawazu, Izu Japan...Pink plus yellow really fit the image of Japanese Kawaii! ^0^
The Sakura and Rape flower are blooming around the riverside since 1966...just 5 mins walk from Kawazu Station...better be there as early as possible...after ten...will be filled up with tourists of bus tours...last year we were been there around 8am...then took a bus to Izu Dancer walking pathway to see the seven falls...must try the pig hotpot (use local Amagigoe pig,Amagigoe is one of top 3 Japanese wild boar producing area )...the strong taste miso basic soup really can warm your body! We took the free foot onsen and have a look at the original sakura tree before we went home...a nice and refresh trip to see the beautiful creation in the winter ^0^

伊豆河津的櫻花及油菜花在一月底就開花迎春...粉紅加黃很有日本式可愛的感覺! ^0^
河 津町的飯田家在1955年種了第一顆櫻原木...1966年河津櫻第一次開花! 一定要早早去...十點後遊客就大量湧入...賞完花拍夠照...就坐巴士去看伊豆無孃及七瀑布...吃了味濃濃的味噌猪鍋 (是用本地伊豆天城的野猪,天城是日本三大野猪產地之一)...猪字在日本有野獸的意思...家猪會用"豚"....走之前去浸了無料的足湯...所以記 得帶毛巾...腳暖暖心也暖暖...又大飽大自然創造的眼福...美麗的一天...疲累也消失了!

イノシシ 猪鍋
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森美術館 Lee Bul - Korean Artist in Mori Museum, Roppongi Tokyo, 2012 2.4. - 5.27

森美術館 Lee Bul - Korean Artist in Mori Museum, Roppongi Tokyo, 2012 2.4. - 5.27

I got to know a lot artistes around the world here in Japan or from Japanese to other Asian countries...Japanese is more crazy for art!


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